Yes, I realize it has been six months since I last posted... Yes, I am appropriately sorry and will have myself flogged repeatedly with a moist noodle for my crimes.. Moving on!!
Summer, school is out, and so are other things scantily clad in speedos and bikinis... so when considering where to take my children on vacation this summer, I paused, and pondered.. the beach?? NO... heavens... I wouldn't want to be so exposed in public, and not be adequately compensated for it.... so I decided, we need to explore this summer. And for that we need to determine what makes for a good summer vacation. So, the children and I developed a list...
1. Spend heaps of money
2. expensive souveniers
3. Silly pictures that you torture relatives with
4. Texas shaped waffles
5. Spelunking
6. Anything that contains "The worlds largest..."
So, I have devised what I call the "Tourist Trap Road Trip" of Southwestern Texas. We begin in Houston... and
day 1 we will drive to San Marcos, which is home of the WonderCave. I explored the wondercave on vacation when I was a child, and I can tell you that as far as spelunking goes, this is a wonder of a tourist trap that is not to be missed. Also, they have added a wildlife exhibit, so two for one on vacation requirements!
Day 2, we will begin with our free continental breakfast, which includes Texas shaped waffles, and continue on to the San Marcos outlet stores, where we will proceed to spend gobs and gobs of money.
Day 3, we will head down to New Braunfels to Natural Bridge Caverns and Wildlife Park to compare and contrast the spelunking with animals experience. We will detour slightly through New Braunfels to the Guadalupe river, and spend an afternoon playing in the water and have a picnic on the banks. This will, no doubt, be an experience the children will savor because it involves both fire building, and getting muddy!
Day 4 we will make a day trip to Animal World Snake Farm. And then about an hour later after seeing a real live snake I expect we will leave Animal World Snake Farm!
Day 4 also brings us down into San Antonio, the land of authentic Mexican food and all it brings! We will be moving to our new hotel, on the river, but about 2 miles away from the Riverwalk.
Day 5 will be the Largest wooden nickel ever made, the Ripley's believe it or not museum, Wax museum, and the trip to the therapist. Day 5 will end out with a luxurious dinner at the Magic Time Machine, where hopefully, our waitress will be fully clothed, and not the slutty "Alice In Wonderland" they have pictured on the website.
Day 6... After a good night's rest, Day 6 will bring us back to the Paseo del Rio, and a boat tour, and the Alamo museum and Vogue photo session. Then, we will relocate to Grandma Vaughn's house for swimming, and I will pass out.
A six day vacation that fulfills all 6 items on the "fun family vacation" list. I plan on keeping track of how many times I have to remind the children that we will enjoy our vacation, even if it KILLS us!!!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
New Year, and all that comes with it

Dearest Readers,
I have started 2011 with an enthusiastic grunt, if not a subdued bang. The kids and I participated in our annual movie marathon.
I make tons of food, and this year's fare was no exception. I made Porcs dans une couverture *, tortilla servi avec du fromage et du piment, and other fine foods that one would find at any "must be at" event.
This year, we actually held two cinematic explorations instead of one. The "Kid friendly" marathon took place in my bedroom on my bed, in which I still must slumber, however the popcorn kernels still loom, even after changing and washing my linens. They did an introspective on computer animation pioneers in film. Beginning with the insta-classic "Monsters Incorporated" and moving on to "Toy Story 3" and ending it out with "Finding Nemo" they began 2011 in style!
The "grown up" marathon did not feature "adult" entertainment, but mature entertainment that would, well, substitute for Sominex if anyone under the age of 30 dared to participate. We started out with Oscar Wilde's farce "The Importance of Being Earnest" and progressed on to the recent Masterpiece theater production of Jane Eyre. Now, I know what you must be saying.... it should be illegal to have that much classic British fun in one night, but we dared to dream... and did, actually begin to dream, about midway through Jane's sojourn in the wilderness.
So, I salute the beginning of 2011, it is shaping up to be the best year so far!
* French translation for "pigs in a blanket" and "nachos"
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
It wouldn't be the holidays without holiday songs. And this one, to me, embodies the true spirit of Christmas with a peppy, up beat, rockin tempo. However, whenever I play this song, and a friend asks "Wow, who is this by?" I have to answer.....
Of course, BNL are fully clothed men, but still. It almost didn't make the office party playlist because of the band name.
So, I urge you strongly to celebrate the season with some Barenaked Ladies!!!
Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Financial Renaissance
Well, darling readers, I continue to endeavor on my eternal quest for improvement and overcoming my past stupidity. Now comes the part that we have all been waiting for.....
I have stabilized my home conditions, check.... The kids are fed, and clothed, and watered, and then sent into the sunlight to grow and photosynthesize... now it is time to clean up THE MONEY....

Let's just say this is where my past can really hurt. I downloaded my annual credit reports today. I have lots of work to do, but I know I can do it. I can overcome this. Then, maybe... someday... a mortgage? A home of my very own that I can keep forever and ever, and name something silly like "the Respite" or " the fluffy poodle" I don't know.. the names need work. My heart sank when I saw bills dating back to 2004, while I was dealing with the aftermath of Dustin's birth, and I wasn't working. Now it is time to pay the piper, and the doctor, and all the other places where I couldn't pay.
I will overcome, and then I will go shopping.. someday......
I have stabilized my home conditions, check.... The kids are fed, and clothed, and watered, and then sent into the sunlight to grow and photosynthesize... now it is time to clean up THE MONEY....

Let's just say this is where my past can really hurt. I downloaded my annual credit reports today. I have lots of work to do, but I know I can do it. I can overcome this. Then, maybe... someday... a mortgage? A home of my very own that I can keep forever and ever, and name something silly like "the Respite" or " the fluffy poodle" I don't know.. the names need work. My heart sank when I saw bills dating back to 2004, while I was dealing with the aftermath of Dustin's birth, and I wasn't working. Now it is time to pay the piper, and the doctor, and all the other places where I couldn't pay.
I will overcome, and then I will go shopping.. someday......
Monday, November 8, 2010
Returning from Hiatus

Well darling readers, or at least those of you who haven't turned yourselves towards other more exciting blogs... I know it has been a while, we have experienced a whole summer of eventful life, and I have failed in my duty to write snarkily about it.
So, my "what I did on my summer vacation, and first (one two three) three and a half months of school!
1. I worked. Yes, dearest ones. I am what is known as a "workaholic wannabee" I truly wish I could have the time and flexibility to work around the clock, thus incurring more money than I currently do, however, I have three little
"boss wannabee"s at home that make me think I work around the clock. However, work is good. I have done new student orientation, three student parties, and the annual residency showcase since I saw you last, and boy, my feet are tired.
2. I "mom"-ed. This summer was an especially challenging one for me with my youngest son, Little Dude. He spent the majority of the summer off medication, after a particularly encouraging visit with his Dad and step-mom. AHE (abbreviation need only be explained that it refers to my ex husband) believed so strongly that he would parent the need for medication out of my son... while on vacation, with little restriction, and lots of other kids, and fun, and yikes.... I attempted to maintain this. Then school started. LD made it to day three before ending up in the principal's office, and four weeks before he had to be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility for children. Now he takes four medications, and he is a sweet, loving little handful, just like a six year old should be. He still has several really bad habits he needs to get rid of, like pushing people, and yelling, but those will come with time, and possibly duct tape.
3. I friended.. In my younger years, I didn't have very many friends, I think this was due to my social akwardness, and lack of know-how in the friend department. I think that my mental state.... well that is a WHOLE other entry... Anyhow, I have a few people in my life that truly count as friends now. My BFF's or otherwise known as "friblings" (a term coined by my BFF 1) which is a sibling of emotional adoption rather than natural birth, which in actuality makes them closer to me than my actual siblings, but I digress. These two BFFs actually hang out with me... and do things!!!! We see each other at church, and go to dinner at each others houses. We have bonded over international culture, clothing and cuisine. In the end, BFF 1 and 2 are precious to me, and I am grateful for them.
4. I moved-- yep, boomeranged back in with the Mom. However, it is a mutually beneficial situation, and it is working. Stability for the kids, and Mom gets the income help. Win win.. don't judge me..
4. I improved -- This one is the most significant, however the most boring of my updates. I have gone from brunette to blonde, finalized a divorce, and started to love myself again. I have started to try and look at myself in the mirror without seeing an ugly, unformed creature staring back at me, but a child of God, deserving of love and happiness.
So, darling readers, I have had a wonderful and significant summer plus couple of months of school. Things are good, not perfect, but good. Now, for the holidays, and the planned return of lonliness and self-loathing. But until then.... SMILE
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It is difficult to actually pinpoint the exact moment that one goes insane. However, I think I passed that point a few weeks back. I am trying to move, get my kids moved to a new school, my oldest into junior high, my mother recovered from a recent illness, etc.
Also, this is my busiest time at work. All the work that I have to do in a year culminates at this point. UGH. I need a jacuzzi, I need calgon, I need Ed McMahon to bring me one of those gigantic checks that are impossible to cash at the bank so I can render ultimate death and destruction when they won't accept it at the teller window.
Ok, I am better now. Or not.
I will try to write more on Monday, after orientation is over.
Then I can sleep... until the following Monday... at least I think...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Cleaning the cobwebs and dust bunnies out of my soul
Darling Readers,
I trust that if you are reading this, you are a trusted, beloved friend. Or else you have nothing better to do....
In this particular entry, the dirtiest laundry of my possession will be aired, and let me tell you, it is RANK!!! So, those with small children, heart problems, or who saw the purpose to the production of the Hannah Montana movie should probably abstain.
****************no food or drinks beyond this point*********************************
So, you're still here. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
Let us begin about eight and a half years ago, when I met a man. This man was tall, handsome, charismatic, and had enough energy to liven up a room of cloistered nuns. It was easy to love him. I remember standing on my front lawn, and asking him if he was prepared for me to give him my heart, but don't accept it unless he was prepared to take responsibility for it.... then he kissed me, and it was his.
Fast forward three years....
I was sitting on the bed, next to my husband of 2.89 years... just six weeks shy of our third anniversary. He needed to get up and go to work. I looked at him and asked him if he even liked me anymore... did he want me to leave. He did not answer me. He just looked at the floor. I then replied, then I guess it is time for me to go. He encouraged me to go to my parents, to get myself together, and to leave the children there if I was more comfortable. Then he walked out the door. That was the last time I saw the man who was my husband.....
Fast forward five years.....
Today, I sit at my desk, weeping because right now, my babies are with him. He has remarried, had more children, lived an entire life... Now, my babies, my whole world, is in his hands. Situations have transpired, and things have happened, that should be in the past. However, my heart is still as tender today as it was 5 years ago when I called my former residence, and heard "This is David Vaughn...." when earlier that morning it had been "You have reached the Vaughn family...."
Today, I sat, in disbelief, but unable to withdraw myself from getting a royal ass chewing by her.... the woman he married following me. I just sat there. She told me that I was just a drama queen, and that I must enjoy stirring things up. She told me that I overreact too much. She told me that I had no right to have the feelings I do after all this time, and normal people move on, and get over their divorces. I just sat there.
The truth is, I am so overwhelmed by my responsibilities in life that I often don't know how I am going to keep going for one more day, but I jealously guard those responsibilities for fear that I will be branded a failure.... might as well get a bright red "F" and emblazon it upon my very bosom. How can I keep going? How can I move forward?
The fact is, I am doing the best I can, and anyone who has a problem with that can go home and pray for the ability to accept it. I am harder on myself than anyone else could possibly be. I know all my faults, and that knowledge breeds more and more insecurities.
I can't say that this story has a happily ever after, the end has not been discovered.
I trust that if you are reading this, you are a trusted, beloved friend. Or else you have nothing better to do....
In this particular entry, the dirtiest laundry of my possession will be aired, and let me tell you, it is RANK!!! So, those with small children, heart problems, or who saw the purpose to the production of the Hannah Montana movie should probably abstain.
****************no food or drinks beyond this point*********************************
So, you're still here. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
Let us begin about eight and a half years ago, when I met a man. This man was tall, handsome, charismatic, and had enough energy to liven up a room of cloistered nuns. It was easy to love him. I remember standing on my front lawn, and asking him if he was prepared for me to give him my heart, but don't accept it unless he was prepared to take responsibility for it.... then he kissed me, and it was his.
Fast forward three years....
I was sitting on the bed, next to my husband of 2.89 years... just six weeks shy of our third anniversary. He needed to get up and go to work. I looked at him and asked him if he even liked me anymore... did he want me to leave. He did not answer me. He just looked at the floor. I then replied, then I guess it is time for me to go. He encouraged me to go to my parents, to get myself together, and to leave the children there if I was more comfortable. Then he walked out the door. That was the last time I saw the man who was my husband.....
Fast forward five years.....
Today, I sit at my desk, weeping because right now, my babies are with him. He has remarried, had more children, lived an entire life... Now, my babies, my whole world, is in his hands. Situations have transpired, and things have happened, that should be in the past. However, my heart is still as tender today as it was 5 years ago when I called my former residence, and heard "This is David Vaughn...." when earlier that morning it had been "You have reached the Vaughn family...."
Today, I sat, in disbelief, but unable to withdraw myself from getting a royal ass chewing by her.... the woman he married following me. I just sat there. She told me that I was just a drama queen, and that I must enjoy stirring things up. She told me that I overreact too much. She told me that I had no right to have the feelings I do after all this time, and normal people move on, and get over their divorces. I just sat there.
The truth is, I am so overwhelmed by my responsibilities in life that I often don't know how I am going to keep going for one more day, but I jealously guard those responsibilities for fear that I will be branded a failure.... might as well get a bright red "F" and emblazon it upon my very bosom. How can I keep going? How can I move forward?
The fact is, I am doing the best I can, and anyone who has a problem with that can go home and pray for the ability to accept it. I am harder on myself than anyone else could possibly be. I know all my faults, and that knowledge breeds more and more insecurities.
I can't say that this story has a happily ever after, the end has not been discovered.
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