Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend vacation: Priceless

Well, dear readers, I have just returned from an extended weekend vacation in Dallas, TX. My darling husband and myself and our three demons... I mean children decided to meet in Dallas. Due to husband's very posh, and somewhat lavish employment as a truck driver, we don't get to see him at home very much, so when we do get together, we like to do things like eat a meal together, and sleep in the same room. So, our weekend in Dallas was supposed to be a little modest mini-vacay.... and it turned into an excuse to spend $85.95.

Our first stop was the motel... now my children have had an active discussion going on regarding the difference between a Motel and a Hotel. They came down to the fact that Motels are small and Hotels are huge... this place we stayed at was tiny, and it had no ventillation.... afterall the contact high we got from the people smoking weed down the hall was rather strong. This locale sparked our first outting on this mini-vacation and that was ROSS..... We needed to purchase additional pillows that had less bacteria and organisms in them, and thus went to buy them at Ross.... We spent $85.95.

We tried to go to Mideval Times which not only was sold out, but cost $85. for just myself and my husband, and each child would have been $36.50...so, instead we decided to drive a little farther and go to a truck driver's mecca known as Carl's Corner..... but that is a whole different blog. Let's just suffice to say we spent $85.95

The next day, Sunday, we lazed in the Motel for a while, and then decided to go have a bigger meal, and go to the mall. Afterall, one lavish meal won't kill us, we are gainfully employed people with decent jobs..... so we went to Saltgrass Steakhouse, and proceeded to personally consume a whole cow at our table.....with salad and garlic mashed potatoes... and the bill $85.95. The up side to this is that we watched in awe as three grown people dove in slow motion as a tray over flowing with 24oz beverages, bread boards, salads and a pitcher of beer went tumbling to the ground splashing over the extremely annoying, loud, over-priviledged brats (*author's note* I am usually a pretty tolerant person at a restaurant. Live and let live is my motto, however I do have a problem when a table of 10 teenage-esque girls are screaming at the top of their lungs, making fun of others in the dining room at full volume, discussing their boyfriend's sexual prowess or lack thereof, and genuinely being annoying) at the next table. Hubby looked at me and said "Look baby, they included a show!"

Monday, we were supposed to come home, but we didn't know how long it would take, so we decided to go kill some time. So we drove around scenic Hutchins, TX.... in other words exits 272-276 on Interstate 45 in texas, and that ate up about 15 minutes including the turnaround under the freeway.... None of us were hungry, but felt compelled to eat AGAIN... except this time we went to Carl's Jr, and there were those of us that were distraught not to find Paris Hilton washing her car in the parking lot.

We arrived home around 9 PM last night, and Hubby and I proceeded to begin tallying our expenditures for the weekend, and found that we had just about $85.95 to our names until payday on Thursday. All in all, a successful family vacation!