Well darling readers, or at least those of you who haven't turned yourselves towards other more exciting blogs... I know it has been a while, we have experienced a whole summer of eventful life, and I have failed in my duty to write snarkily about it.
So, my "what I did on my summer vacation, and first (one two three) three and a half months of school!
1. I worked. Yes, dearest ones. I am what is known as a "workaholic wannabee" I truly wish I could have the time and flexibility to work around the clock, thus incurring more money than I currently do, however, I have three little
"boss wannabee"s at home that make me think I work around the clock. However, work is good. I have done new student orientation, three student parties, and the annual residency showcase since I saw you last, and boy, my feet are tired.
2. I "mom"-ed. This summer was an especially challenging one for me with my youngest son, Little Dude. He spent the majority of the summer off medication, after a particularly encouraging visit with his Dad and step-mom. AHE (abbreviation need only be explained that it refers to my ex husband) believed so strongly that he would parent the need for medication out of my son... while on vacation, with little restriction, and lots of other kids, and fun, and yikes.... I attempted to maintain this. Then school started. LD made it to day three before ending up in the principal's office, and four weeks before he had to be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility for children. Now he takes four medications, and he is a sweet, loving little handful, just like a six year old should be. He still has several really bad habits he needs to get rid of, like pushing people, and yelling, but those will come with time, and possibly duct tape.
3. I friended.. In my younger years, I didn't have very many friends, I think this was due to my social akwardness, and lack of know-how in the friend department. I think that my mental state.... well that is a WHOLE other entry... Anyhow, I have a few people in my life that truly count as friends now. My BFF's or otherwise known as "friblings" (a term coined by my BFF 1) which is a sibling of emotional adoption rather than natural birth, which in actuality makes them closer to me than my actual siblings, but I digress. These two BFFs actually hang out with me... and do things!!!! We see each other at church, and go to dinner at each others houses. We have bonded over international culture, clothing and cuisine. In the end, BFF 1 and 2 are precious to me, and I am grateful for them.
4. I moved-- yep, boomeranged back in with the Mom. However, it is a mutually beneficial situation, and it is working. Stability for the kids, and Mom gets the income help. Win win.. don't judge me..
4. I improved -- This one is the most significant, however the most boring of my updates. I have gone from brunette to blonde, finalized a divorce, and started to love myself again. I have started to try and look at myself in the mirror without seeing an ugly, unformed creature staring back at me, but a child of God, deserving of love and happiness.
So, darling readers, I have had a wonderful and significant summer plus couple of months of school. Things are good, not perfect, but good. Now, for the holidays, and the planned return of lonliness and self-loathing. But until then.... SMILE