Friday, June 19, 2009

Payday Blues

I have a predicament dear readers... I don't make enough money to support my family. However, I make ok money as standards go. My education is incomplete, and therefore can't be used as a stepping stone to more money. I don't get any of the child support that has been ordered by the court. I don't pay TOO much money for my various bills. Except maybe the electric bill, which is high because I refuse to be constantly uncomfortable to avoid spending the extra 5 cents per kilowatt hour. My thermostat is set at 69 year round, so I have a high electric in the summer, and a low one in the winter. I should be the perfect candidate for balanced billing.

In the coming days of singlehood, I am going to be unable to really do much about my financial situation. My car is old, and needs to be replaced, but I can't afford the payment. My student loans are deferred right now, but will come due at the turn of the year, I owe my mother the equivalent of the national debt of several third world countries combined, and I need to begin paying that back, or she might get ornry, and you know what they say about ornry southern women.....

My life is not luxurious, nor meager. I have a level of comfort. It is considered a substandard level according to today's standards, but it is some comfort. I refuse to give up my cable TV, because then what would the kids do while we can't afford to go anywhere because it is too expensive to gas up the car.

I have got to figure out what to do. I can't get a second job,.... I barely have the energy to work the first one, much less do all the chores that wait for me at home. Yergh.


The Domestic Flunky said...

Read carefully: rework a few of posts into a ladies journal piece about life's malstroms (or something). Seriously.

Joanna said...

Ornery! Did you actually use the word 'ornery' in reference to my future condition? No, no, I beg you, no! I will never be ornery. I may venture as far as ticked off, but that's it!