Monday, February 8, 2010

How to shop effectively: Does that come in leather?

Dear readers, women today are often stereotyped to be frivalous creatures for whom the spending of currency is like unto a competitive sport. This couldn't be more true! Any woman who has earned her "woman card" has spent a tireless day trudging through the mall with bags on her arms, dragging her tired aching feet to one more sale. This is the nectar of life, especially if you got the "last one they had" of anything.

However, a new luxury has been offered to me..... a colleague has lost a lot of weight. I mean a LOT. She looks fabulous. She looks as though one deflated her. She, being the well paid, brilliant academic that she is, has exsquisite taste in clothes, and has the shopping gold medal. She is now wanting to unload the clothes that she spent so many years accumulating, but doesn't want to go to waste. Enter Christen... Christen, who has the panash, the spunk, the sheer charisma to be a fashionista, without the wallet or the credit limit. This colleague who thought nothing of walking into Bloomingdale's, Lane Bryant, or Donna Karan is bestowing these precious treasures of fashion to ME!!!! My wardrobe is going to have puppies! Some of the pieces I have already acquired would cost me hundreds of dollars in stores, and I get them for the low low cost of "whatever you can carry"

I love America! May we continue to be shallow consumerists who are obsessed with being thin!

1 comment:

Joy and Dennis said...

WOW! You struck gold, my dear!!!! And you definitely deserve to reap the benefits, but don't let your new found fortune undermine your "28 in 28 days" goal!