Friday, April 30, 2010

Looking at Motherhood in my life

For every single mother out there, time management becomes a problem. For some more celebrity mothers, it is common to hire someone to, I mean care for your children in your absence. For us "just above the poverty level, but still don't have enough to make it till next payday" moms, that is just not an option.

So, the dilemma becomes: Do I spend enough time with my children?

The answer to this questions is quite complex. For this one must evaluate the state of the maternal relationship with said children, and what better to do that then a QUIZ!!!!!!!

1. Could my children pick me out of a photo lineup?

This question is fundamental in the determination of a healthy relationship, if your children cannot pick your picture out of a set of photos of similar looking women, maybe you should practice with them more!

2. Do my children know my first name?

In my experience, any child should be able to answer this one correctly. In asking my youngest child, Little Dude, he promptly answered "What a silly question, I know your name is MOM!!" And so it goes...

3. Do I help my children with their homework or other school activities?

This one is deceptively simple. The fact is, my children don't WANT me to help... I tend to mess things up, and my sense of color is all wrong, and I tend to miss the lines now and then.

4. Do I provide my children with a healthy, and nutritious diet?

Yes! I can answer this one straight out... however, do they eat it? NO!!!! I will spend an hour grilling chicken, and steaming fresh veggies, only to have them look at it make a comment containing the word "weird" and then ask for spaghetti-os. But not the "O" shaped ones... the alphabet shaped ones... so they can practice their spelling words. I know, smart Mom, smart indeed.

5. Do I set a good example for my children?

Only a child who has grown up, and experienced the joys of parenthood themselves would really be able to adequately answer this question. However, I can say that my children only curse in public when angry, do not take their clothes off in public, don't go to the office at school everyday (anymore) and don't deliberately hurt people (except their siblings). I call that a winning combination!

All in all, I think my relationship with my children is sound, solid and unbreakable. I know their dreams, hopes, and shortcomings. I am there with the tears, laughs, and only a fever of 102, and disgusting stomach virus could keep me from every soccer game, or event. My daughter, upon graduating pre-school looked up into the audience and with the sweetest baby voice declared "I love you Mommy" and that moment, made all the sleepless nights, and dirty diapers, and temper tantrums worth it. I only hope that something similar will occur at her graduations from high school and college, and grad school, and veterinary school, and PhD school, etc.

Here's to all the Moms out there who work for their kids, both in the home and out, and for those of us who do both, have an extra diet coke today!

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