It seems that of late I have been chasing a new unrequited love. I have been seeking high and low only to come up short night after night. Oh, how I long for the sweet, delicious soft caress of a FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP.
It was bearable at first, all those many moons ago. I could go to bed at 12, wake up at 5:30 and be able to get moving, and go through a whole day. Even after I had the children.... Zachary was an extremely energetic baby, and I could keep pace with him. However, the past year or so, I fall asleep at 9:30 or 10 and am up again by 12 and watching infomercials on the latest food preparation miracle that will take the place of all my current kitchen appliances for the low low price of 5 payments of $89.95, or the latest breakthrough in weightloss technology that makes everyone but YOU lose all the weight they want. ( Author's note: It is slightly more bearable since Turner Network Television actually runs crime dramas through most nights. At least I can catch up on my Cold Case)
What's that you say? Weekends? Why can't I catch up on sleep on the weekends, you ask? Well, because my children have no concept of SLEEPING IN. By 7 AM on Saturdays I am faced with three gorgeous, yet persistently hungry faces in my face asking what I am going to cook for breakfast. When I suggest that they make themselves a bowl of cereal, each child picks up a piece of furniture and threatens to sacrifice it to the pancake diety unless I get up and make with the pancakes. Then we go to Denny's.
I miss sleep...and I have discovered, that sleep really does make you pretty.


Pray for me dearest readers. Pray that the sandman and I work things out and live happily ever after. Or if he isn't available, then his manly, and rugged looking brother Joaquin.
Hey there friend! I'm so glad to find your blog! I miss you and your gorgeous kids so much! I can relate to your sleep deprivation, only for me, instead of kids getting me up it's school that forces me to cut corners!
Miss you tons!
Love Em
Joaquin?! So funny....and yet so sad. There are SO many of us that belong (reluctantly) to that stinkin' "I Can't Get Enough Sleep" Club!!! Sheesh!!!
Aw I could make em pancakes....I am good at
Love it! Sorry about your sleep! Great blog!
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