Thursday, February 18, 2010

Table for one: When did I grow a third eye?

In my adult life, I have had many an occasion to dine in a restaurant sans company. As a matter of fact, a therapist once commanded it of me as "wellness homework.". One would think that it wouldn't be a big deal after the first four or five times. Uh-uh. I walked into a casual establishment, and it started with the hostess. "Just the three of ya'll?". Of course the couple snapped "no, table for two". Since being seated, the looks, glances of pity, and hushed whispers give me no pause. I am going to eat and leave. Maybe not socialized, but well fed!

1 comment:

Bill Cobabe said...

I prefer eating alone. Really. I know it sounds anti-social, but I would rather not talk while I eat. I would rather read while I eat...