Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tales of a mid-thirties nothing

The difficulty in my life has been primarily my own fault. Oddly enough, that was easier. When I was 23 and getting divorced for the first time because the man I married was an abusive junkie as well as a bastard, it was acceptable. When I was 28 and my second marriage ended with my huband running off with a good friend and wife of our local Baptist preacher, at least it could be pitied, or sympathized with. Now, I am 32, working full time for a hospital, married a third (and LAST) time, raising my kids and nobody notices me. It is frustrating, I need so much more help than I ever used to, because my husband is gone 3 weeks out of every 4, and I work 9 and 10 hour days, in a thankless job where my efforts usually get credited to someone higher up than I, and I am daily fighting to keep my job. I don't drink, I don't smoke anymore, I don't do any drugs, unless you consider non-alcoholic cough syrup or diet coke as drugs. But I am supposed to be able to do all of this and still have time to have meaningful relationships with my children, and be engaged in their lives. How in the world do these women out there do it? I get home around 5:30 on a good night, I don't want to cook anything, I barely want to get off the couch..... I fix dinner for the kids, usually something that microwaves quick or pasta on the stovetop, feed them, then go collapse in front of the television for an hour or two, then I fall asleep. Then I wake up, and repeat process until Friday, when the kids want pizza and a bedtime that is an hour later than it is supposed to be. Tell me universe, is this the way happy life is supposed to be?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do great hon, you don't see it because you are too close. You are fighting the good fight, and you have good days and bad.

That's all any of us can do.
