Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pre-Tween drama and Dirty words

I have three beautiful children... at least on days I don't want to throttle them, and the oldest will be 10 this summer. So, according to the new hip-parenting lingo he is a pre-tween. Not a kid but not yet a pre-adolecent. Well, it seems as if he is entering the difficult phases of puberty without the puberty. Last night he asked me some incredibly uncomfortable questions about his anatomy and what is acceptable to do with it, and I was totally taken aback. My husband, being the person he is, is of course not home and I had to deal with it. Then I had to shower. Honestly, the idea of my son having any kind of thoughts about adult matters is just not something I am going to accept. Then, this morning, my son and his girlfriend (which is his best friend who happens to be a girl) were playing soccer at the bus stop and all heck broke loose when he missed a kick. Instead of rationally discussing the problem, he explodes and begins to curse like a.....well truck driver..... (thanks honey!) I had to calm the child down while attempting to dress my youngest child who is preparing for a career as an escape artist.

I am tired. I need a diet coke

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