Monday, July 20, 2009

A decade ago today.....

It is an especially reflective time for me since my oldest son turns ten years old tomorrow. I started thinking about where I was a decade ago....

I was sitting in my parent's livingroom with my feet (which were swollen beyond recognition) propped up on a pillow, watching something completely mindless. I had never heard of Harry Potter, no one had even thought of Twilight, Columbine was still fresh on everyone's mind, and my brother had just graduated high school and was preparing to leave on his mission for the church.

My mother worked full time, and my father was still with us, working and playing in his band. I remember watching my stomach roll back and forth with the new life contained within thinking what kind of mother I was going to be, and how much I truly loved my unborn son.

The stoogian drama that took place the following day... the day of my son's birth.... is an entry all on it's own, and I will spare the gory details, but I will say that Zachary made quite the entrance into the world and my life. He was so small, and fragile, with a full head of bright red hair. I think my heart doubled in size that day. Between my father actually having to watch the delivery, and my mother attempting to keep calm while whispering "you're doing so good" to me it was an exhausting day for our family. Now, as a 10 year old, Zachary is preparing to set the 5th grade on fire with his intelligence and humor. He gives so much passion to what he loves. I can testify that he doesn't love cleaning his room, or doing laundry, but he will help when asked (profusely, and loudly)

Since then, I have travelled long, and hard. Most of my life has been frought with mistake after mistake, and setback after setback, but I must be doing something right, because I have completely wonderful kids. Zachary is a testament to my life... and it is he, his brother and sister, that my reason for living is manifest.

Happy Birthday Zachary, I love you baby!


SuddenWidower said...

Please wish Zachary the happiest of birthdays from the gang and me! I still remember my 10th birthday. It's one of the few that stick with me.

Joy and Dennis said...

Now this is the right perspective! You have been blessed with three beautiful children that may indeed be handfuls but nevertheless are still the loves of your life!
Happy Birthday to Zachary! And Happy Mother's Day (cause every day is Mother's Day in my book) to you!